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В настоящее время недоступен.· новый· Art Type: Artwork· Category: Painting· Genre: Abstract Art· Medium: Acrylic· Techniques: Blending· Style: Geometric· Skill: Professional· Dimension: 48 x 48 - Inches· Dispatch: 1–3 business days· Total Units: 0· Lagos Nigeria· Lagos· Nigeria


This a painting done on a textured canvas. The artist has explore the use of basic shape to express his ideas . With simple and harmonic colors.

Artist Name
Nzennaya Ikechuckwu

Artist Statement
Thought is an action or process of thinking, ... Thought has been a driving force behind change , that gives birth to idaes and help to process imaginations

Artist Bio

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Vote Breakdown

Interpretation and clarity of the theme, to the viewer.


Creativity, uniqueness, and originality of the depicted theme.


Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the theme.


Color and tone. Balance of image within its space.


What is the effect of the artwork in general and as a whole?


Overall, can the entire artwork be judged as a masterpiece?


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